
Petition Background (Preamble):

Ruland Properties Inc. (Remington) has applied to the City of Markham for the rezoning of a parcel of land at the corner of Enterprise Boulevard and Rouge Valley Drive West.

If the original official plan is allowed to change from “Commercial – Community Amenity Area” to “Mixed Use High Rise”, the hanged zoning category will turn business use into apartment dwellings and retail-commercial uses and add over 500 units of apartments to a congested corner of our community.
This development is contrary to the expectations of the residents who purchased their properties based on plans provided to them at the time of their purchases.

Downtown Markham is supposed to be a $3 billion project on 98 hectares that will include 10,000 residents and 16,000 employment jobs.


We, the undersigned, call on the City of Markham to disapprove the application of rezoning at the corner of Enterprise Blvd and Rouge Valley Drive West by the developer to introduce Condominium Apartment units without first addressing the traffic and parking issues involved.
In particular, Clegg Road East of Warden must be constructed and extended into the Downtown Markham area prior to any further development.

The rezoning is taking employment opportunities away from the project and contrary to the initial overall planning and objective of the development. Council must develop a plan to monitor Downtown Markham development schedules and verify the progress of development as planned.

To Fill in the Petition, please go to http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/stop-downtown-markham-rezoning.html.